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Administrative Information
* Username:
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* Password:
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General Info
* Date of birth:
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* City:
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* Post code (Zip):
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Why join the site?

The site provides a safe place for you to show off your body in your favourite underwear in all sorts of interesting locations.

Or you can simply view the site and browse through the pictures!

Joining enables you to create a profile and upload your pix for approval by the site managers. Then you can advertise your profile wherever you like. We also offer facilities to search for people and exchange messages with other members so that you can arrange to buy, sell, swap, or simply chat with other people who like the same things as you!

In fact the site offers a whole range of interactive features to have fun with. There are plenty of reasons to join.

Important Notes About Your Email Address

Email Address Validation and Profile Activation:

Please ensure you enter a valid email address and check your email inbox within a short time of registering.

To activate your profile you will need to receive a confirmation email from us,  and this email will contain a validation link. You will need to click on the validation link to complete the registration process. You won't be able to view other profiles until you have completed this, and your profile will not show up in searches. If you don't get your validation email within a few hours of registering, please check the help pages. Check the email has not been sent to your spam box by your email provider.

Spam Filtering:

To make sure that our emails are not filtered out of your inbox as "spam" or "junk" you may be best advised to add our email address into your personal address book, and/or your "white list" or "good senders list" or similar in your email system so that email from us will avoid any "filtering".

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